Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Vee Technologies Tops the List as an IAOP Global Outsourcing 100 Customer 'Star'

Vee Technologies Tops the List as an IAOP Global Outsourcing 100 Customer 'Star'
Vee Technologies Tops the List as an IAOP Global Outsourcing 100 Customer 'Star'

Vee Technologies has earned the highest possible score for Customer References in the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals' (IAOP) 2016 Global Outsourcing 100.

Our CEO and Founder, Mr. Chocko Valliappa, has played a key role in bringing the company to its prestigious position in the IAOP GO100 list and also President Patrick L. O'Malley's outstanding leadership qualities is the driving force behind Vee Technologies' ranking.

The company is proud and privileged to also be included in the 2016 Global Outsourcing 100 sublists: 'Employee Growth as Rising Star'; 'Number of Employees as Rising Star'; and 'Revenue Growth as Rising Star' categories.

For more details, visit PRNewswire.